SQL Sample Database

We use the Northwind database as the SQL sample database in all our SQL tutorials. Northwind is a fictitious company that imports and exports food globally.

The Northwind sample database provides you with a good database structure and sales data that help you experiment with SQL statements quickly.

The following database diagram illustrates the Northwind database structure:

Northwind SQL Sample Database

You can download the following printable version for A4 paper:

Northwind SQL Sample Database Diagram (19859 downloads )

Database tables

The following explains each table in the Northwind database:

  • Customers – stores customer master data
  • Orders – stores transaction sale orders from customers
  • OrderDetails – stores line items of sale orders
  • Products – stores products master data
  • Suppliers – stores supplier data
  • Shippers – stores shipper data
  • Region – stores region data
  • Territories – store territory data
  • Employees – store employee data
  • EmployeeTerritories – store relationship between employee and territory.

Download SQL sample database


Northwind Sample Database for MySQL (29000 downloads )

Microsoft SQL Server:

Northwind sample database for MS SQL Server (27403 downloads )